booze menu

These menus are my absolute favourite things to drink. My menus are living, breathing documents that I add to bit by bit, as my food adventures expand.

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Served over perfectly clear hand-carved ice

Gin and house tonic
lemon, ginger, honey, turmeric, lime leaves, Schezuan pepper, lemongrass

Grapefruit negroni
fresh pink grapefruit juice, Campari, bitters, gin / sparkling wine

Frozen ginger margarita
lime, fresh ginger, maple syrup, tequila

Thai basil margarita
lime, fresh Thai basil leaves, agave syrup

Blood orange margarita, toasted rosemary
fresh orange juice, rosemary syrup, tequila

muddled lime, natural sugar, cachaça

Raspberries, lychee, rose, cardamom, sparkling wine

Blood orange, white rum, lime juice, lemon bitters

Lime juice, tequila, turmeric-honey lassi syrup

Amaretto sour

bottle-aged cocktails

Boozy and concentrated, sweet and bitter, served over chipped ice

Oak-aged mandarin shrub, ginger, gin, quinine, Szechuan pepper

Rose, plum eau de vie, Cognac, hibiscus and oolong tea, strawberry jam

Dry gin, Campari, vermouth, vanilla, cinnamon, ginger

dry cocktails

Martini with juniper, ginger, gentian root, grape and cucumber waters

Tulsi sour with ginger, lemon, holy basil and botanicals

Old Fashioned with smoked Demerara, orange bitters, applewood, cayenne, orange peel

Hop-infused spirit, lime, jaggery, tea and spices


Darjeeling tea, jaggery, lime, Ceylon Arrack coconut blossom spirit


Naturally fermented sparkling wine

Niizawa Kishinamien umeshu plum sake


Chilled, shaken tequila shot, fresh lime

beer + cider

Cider slushie

Local ales